Whenever I mention I'm a Colorist people tend to think I whip out the Crayola's and go to town. While that would be amazing, that's not exactly how it works.

Coloring, is when you're given a b&w piece or layout, and you paint over it. For backgrounds, it's almost like matte painting.

Below are some examples of befores and afters. Have fun!

TMNT FF / BTTS Line Art BG Design: Keith Conroy - Denny Fickle - Chris Palesty

Spiderman vs Sinister 6 3D Set Design/Layout: Steve Ziolkowski - Don Cameron

Cyber Mountain Range Cyber Mountain Range

Turtle Lair Turtle Lair

Cityscape Cityscape

Cyber World Cyber World

Hydra Secret Lab Hydra Secret Lab

Atarog Vine Cathedral Atarog Vine Cathedral

Doc Connors Lab Destroyed Doc Connors Lab Destroyed

Triskelion Outer Hallway Hole to Exterior Triskelion Outer Hallway Hole to Exterior

Pirate Ship Pirate Ship